Sunday 13 August 2017

Forex Trading Reviews Blogs

Top 10 Forex Blogs Berikut daftar 10 blog forex teratas saya. Saya mengikuti blog ini melalui RSS reader saya secara teratur, dan saya merasa mereka menarik dan sangat informatif. Saya pikir mereka harus di setiap pedagang forex8217s feed. Jadi, berikut adalah 10 blog forex teratas saya: Kathy Lien 8211 Kepala penelitian mata uang di Global Forex Trading (GFT). Dia memberikan analisis teknis dan fundamental yang menarik, sinyal dan strategi forex. Bagian penting dari posting adalah wawancara TV yang menarik. Pikiran Mata Uang. Larry Greenberg, ekonom mata uang veteran membawa berita forex dari banyak tempat di seluruh dunia, dan analisis mendalam tentang kejadian terkini. Blog Forex. Blog forex ini ditulis oleh Andrei. Sejak tahun 2006, Andrei8217s blog forex berita yang sangat baik, update pada perangkat lunak forex (termasuk kode), jalur teknis dan banyak lagi. Perdagangan NRG: Lior Cohen memberikan analisa, ramalan, berita, dan berita harian, mingguan dan bulanan secara mendalam, tentang segala hal yang berkaitan dengan minyak, emas, komoditas dan banyak lagi. Suatu keharusan bagi siapa saja yang memperdagangkan instrumen keuangan ini. Francesc Riverola. CEO FXStreet menyediakan berita industri forex, statistik terperinci dari portal forex dan biayanya yang besar di blognya dengan barang lain juga. Artikel forex James Wooley berbicara tentang strategi forex, ide trading forex dan banyak lagi. Trading U 8211 Chicago Blog: Jay Norris menulis tentang efek psikologis dari trading forex, pola perdagangan, analisa teknikal dan banyak lagi. Pemenang Edge Trading. Last but not least, Casey Stubbs di Winners Edge Trading, dengan fokus khusus pada salah satu pasangan mata uang yang paling populer: EURUSD. Tulisannya yang bagus tentang psikologi perdagangan juga memiliki andil besar dalam kontennya. Hanya blog yang ada di daftar ini. Meskipun ada banyak definisi untuk blog, dan ada garis tipis antara blog atau situs, saya tetap dengan dua definisi: secara kronologis dipesan secara terbalik (posting terakhir terlebih dahulu), dan opsi untuk berkomentar. Ada banyak situs forex bagus di luar sana. Saya hanya mencantumkan blog di sini. Saya hanya mencantumkan blog yang sesuai dengan keinginan saya. Tidak ada yang membayar saya untuk ini termasuk dia dalam daftar ini Urutan dalam daftar tidak mewakili peringkat internal. Update November 2016: Ini adalah daftar lama dan tautan yang tidak berfungsi telah dihapus. Saya sesekali menampilkan blog ini di Tautan Forex untuk posting Akhir Pekan. Daftar ini disusun setelah Casey Stubbs membuat daftar serupa, yang membuat saya merasa terhormat menjadi bagian dari. Melalui daftar Casey8217s, I8217m mengenal blog baru. Nikmati Apakah ada blog forex lain yang anda rekomendasikan Silahkan hubungi saya. Saya harap Anda menyukai blog saya dan Anda dipersilahkan untuk berlangganan melalui email atau RSS. Tentang Penulis Yohay Elam Pendiri, Penulis dan Editor Saya telah terjun ke forex trading selama lebih dari 5 tahun, dan saya berbagi pengalaman yang saya miliki dan pengetahuan yang saya akumulasi. Setelah mengikuti kursus singkat tentang forex. Seperti banyak trader forex, saya mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan saya dengan cara yang sulit. Makroekonomi, dampak berita di pasar mata uang yang terus bergerak dan psikologi perdagangan selalu membuat saya terpesona. Sebelum mendirikan Forex Crunch, Ive bekerja sebagai programmer di berbagai perusahaan hi-tech. Saya memiliki B. Sc. Dalam Ilmu Komputer dari Universitas Ben Gurion. Dengan latar belakang ini, software forex memiliki pangsa yang relatif lebih besar dalam posting. Yohays Google Profile Related PostsBe a step ahead Artikel perdagangan mata uang oleh PaxForex Blog forex PaxForex adalah layanan informasi terdepan yang ada di pasaran. Penulis kami memiliki pengalaman profesional baik dalam hal perdagangan di pasar keuangan dan dalam hal menyediakan informasi yang paling profesional, penting dan relevan. Tujuan utama blog trading FX adalah membantu trader dalam mencapai kesuksesan dalam perdagangan mata uang secara online dengan memberikan informasi dan penjelasan mengenai isu-isu paling topikal di pasar keuangan. PaxForex terus mengadakan berbagai kompetisi untuk penggunanya, dengan memenangkan mana, Anda bisa berinvestasi ke forex trading yang sebenarnya. Blog perdagangan mata uang kami adalah sumber di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan semua berita tentang tindakan perusahaan kami. Tujuan kami juga untuk memberi pelanggan berita utama dari dunia ekonomi dan keuangan, yang sangat diminati oleh pedagang forex di seluruh dunia, mulai dari Australia sampai Amerika Serikat. PaxForex menyediakan pelanggannya teknologi perdagangan online yang inovatif, dan akses ke sumber informasi, dan berita keuangan dari badan-badan terkemuka di dunia. Blog forex juga mencakup topik seperti CFD, futures dan komoditas. Antara lain topik yang paling banyak dibahas adalah: Penjelasan tentang strategi Forex Pengelolaan uang forex Investasi valas Forex dan dunia ekonomi Forex dan pasar keuangan lainnya Forex dan perbankan. Platform trading kami MetaTrader 4 adalah yang paling maju dan terkenal di kalangan trader, yang menyediakan berbagai fungsi untuk trading forex yang mudah. Tidak seperti banyak perusahaan perdagangan online lainnya, PaxForex menawarkan bonus forex gratis untuk semua pelanggan baru. Semua ini dan banyak berita lainnya terus tercakup dalam blog berita forex kami. Blog forex juga memberikan informasi rinci tentang berbagai macam deposit dan tidak ada bonus deposit, yang mungkin menarik bagi banyak trader, baik pemula maupun profesional di pasar keuangan ini. Blog perdagangan mata uang Forex perusahaan kami menyediakan semua informasi tambahan tentang bidang bisnis, termasuk ulasan harian mengenai pasar keuangan dan situasi ekonomi di seluruh dunia secara keseluruhan. Kami mengundang Anda untuk menjadi pembaca reguler blog analisis forex kami dan memastikan kompetensi tinggi dari para penulis kami. Laino Group mendaftarkan nomor 21973 IBC 2014. Resiko peringatan: Perlu diketahui bahwa perdagangan produk leveraged mungkin melibatkan tingkat risiko yang signifikan dan tidak sesuai untuk semua investor. Anda seharusnya tidak mengambil risiko lebih dari Anda siap untuk kalah. Sebelum memutuskan untuk berdagang, pastikan Anda memahami risiko yang terlibat dan pertimbangkan tingkat pengalaman Anda. Carilah nasihat independen jika perlu. PaxForex hari ini peringkat kami 9.3 dari 10. mengandalkan 107 suara dan 55 ulasan yang memenuhi syarat. Silakan seperti situs PaxForex di jaringan favorit Anda dan dapatkan akses ke halaman pendaftaran Bonus gratis BonusForex Broker Pastikan komisi atau spread mereka rendah Periksa biaya tersembunyi pada penarikan dll Periksa apakah mereka menawarkan platform perdagangan web yang bagus atau aplikasi seluler Carilah setoran murah hati Peraturan bonus di pasar forex Di AS, broker forex terkemuka akan menjadi anggota National Futures Association dan akan terdaftar di Komisi Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi AS sebagai Dealer Futures Commission Merchant dan Retail Foreign Exchange. Seorang broker yang merupakan anggota National Futures Association dan tunduk pada peraturan CFTC akan menyatakan hal ini dan nomor anggota NFA-nya di situsnya, biasanya di bagian tentang kami dan pada setiap halaman web. Di Inggris, pialang diatur oleh Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Di negara lain, ada regulator khusus yang bertanggung jawab atas broker forex. Setiap platform harus memiliki indikasi hukum yang diatur oleh otoritas semacam itu, untuk melindungi deposit Anda. Tawaran masing-masing broker mungkin berbeda dalam hal leverage dan margin. Pialang forex akan menawarkan berbagai jumlah leverage tergantung brokernya, seperti 50: 1 atau 200: 1. Kemampuan untuk memilih leverage yang diinginkan oleh trader memungkinkan kontrol risiko yang lebih baik. Broker yang berbeda mungkin juga menawarkan komisi dan spread yang berbeda. Broker yang menggunakan komisi mungkin mengenakan persentase tertentu dari spread, selisih antara harga bid dan ask dari pasangan forex. Namun, kebanyakan pialang mengiklankan bahwa mereka tidak mengenakan komisi, dan malah menghasilkan uang dengan spread yang lebih luas. Semakin luas penyebarannya, maka semakin sulitnya menghasilkan keuntungan. Pasangan perdagangan yang populer, seperti EURUSD dan GBPUSD biasanya akan memiliki spread yang lebih ketat daripada pasangan yang diperdagangkan lebih tipis. Seorang pedagang harus membandingkan spread pada pasangan trader lebih suka berdagang dari broker ke broker. Broker yang berbeda juga menawarkan berbagai persyaratan untuk deposit dan withdraw. Setiap broker forex memiliki kebijakan penarikan dan pendanaan rekening yang spesifik. Pialang dapat mengizinkan pemegang rekening untuk mendanai rekening secara online dengan kartu kredit, melalui pembayaran ACH atau melalui PayPal, atau dengan transfer kawat, cek bank atau cek bisnis atau pribadi. Penarikan biasanya dapat dilakukan dengan cek atau dengan transfer kawat. Broker dapat membebankan biaya untuk layanan baik. Penawaran pasangan mata uang juga bisa berbeda dari broker ke broker. Banyak pialang hanya menawarkan jurusan, dan kemudian beberapa pasang kecil. Namun, ada banyak pasangan yang kurang diperdagangkan yang mendapat perhatian, dan mungkin perlu mencari broker yang menawarkan variasi hebat. Kemudahan penggunaan platform trading adalah tawaran penting lainnya dari broker. Platform harus mudah digunakan, menyenangkan secara visual, dan memiliki semua alat yang disukai trader. Pedagang seharusnya tidak kesulitan bekerja sama dengan platform sehingga tidak ada kesalahan saat melakukan trading. Salah satu faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi pilihan broker adalah customer service. Ini bisa sangat bervariasi dari satu broker ke broker lainnya. Trading forex adalah aktivitas 24 jam, jadi broker Anda pastinya harus menawarkan layanan pelanggan penuh waktu. Ada juga harus cepat intervensi jika Anda memiliki masalah membuat penarikan dana satu masalah khas dengan platform forex adalah bahwa hal itu dapat canggung mencoba untuk mendapatkan keuntungan Anda keluar. Platform Anda harus memiliki kebijakan penarikan yang konsisten dan, jika ada yang tidak beres, layanan pelanggan harus diintervensi tanpa penundaan atau masalah apapun. Demikian pula, jika ada masalah perdagangan yaitu, jika perangkat lunak perdagangan mengalami malfungsi, layanan pelanggan Anda harus melepaskan perdagangan untuk Anda tanpa pertanyaan. Dapatkah Anda mempercayai review pengguna broker forex Kami telah memperdebatkan penambahan bagian ulasan ke masing-masing halaman broker kami, namun dalam meneliti situs forex lainnya, sebuah tren jelas: banyak pengalaman buruk berdagang dengan perusahaan tertentu turun ke naif atau kurang pengalaman dengan perdagangan. Pasar. Mudah bagi orang-orang yang telah berjualan make money online untuk merasa scammed jika mereka sangat cepat kehilangan modal mereka - tapi apakah ini kesalahan trader, broker atau website atau milis yang menjualnya pada mimpi untuk memulai. Dengan demikian, karena jumlah yang sangat banyak yang bergerak di pasar keuangan setiap hari, tidaklah sulit untuk menemukan ulasan yang dicurigai, baik secara absurd peringkat positif yang menyarankan bahwa mereka ditulis oleh seorang anggota staf dari broker kecil, atau posting negatif yang agresif Nampaknya merupakan usaha para pialang yang tidak bermoral untuk membasmi pesaing mereka. Singkatnya, berantakan. Jadi apa yang trader lakukan saat mengevaluasi platform. Menurut pandangan kita, salah satu langkah terbaik yang dapat Anda lakukan adalah memilih broker yang diatur oleh organisasi yang benar-benar memiliki gigi. Sementara regulator lama Inggris, FSA, biasa mengambil pendekatan longgar terhadap regulasi, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir mereka telah mengambil garis keras dengan broker. Ini mungkin berarti proses pendaftaran yang lebih sulit, karena sekarang mereka harus memenuhi persyaratan pencucian uang yang ketat - namun pada gilirannya itu berarti iklan tersebut, dan mitra yang mengiklankannya, sangat terbatas dalam klaim yang dapat mereka buat sehingga Anda tahu bahwa Anda tidak oversold. . Mereka juga harus memenuhi prosedur perizinan dan akuntansi yang lebih ketat sehingga Anda tahu uang Anda aman. Gunakan daftar perbandingan broker kami dan buat pendapat Anda sendiri Untuk memilih antara broker yang diatur, sebaiknya lihat spread yang mereka tawarkan dan kualitas perangkat lunak trading mereka. Daftar ke akun demo atau ambil kesepakatan tanpa deposit dan uji air - dapatkah Anda melihat diri Anda menggunakan platform ini setiap hari Apakah responsif terhadap perdagangan Anda, atau apakah Anda menyaksikan selip dalam menempatkan atau menutup posisi Anda Bandingkan pro dan kontra Dari setiap platform perdagangan, dan membuat pilihan yang tepat, apakah platform yang lebih baik layak membayar biaya yang lebih tinggi - atau memang, jika antarmuka atau fitur yang disederhanakan seperti perdagangan sosial layak membayar premi. Kami hanya mencantumkan pialang forex yang menurut kami memenuhi kriteria yang pasti, namun prioritas Anda mungkin berbeda - pastikan untuk mengeksplorasi masing-masing broker secara penuh daripada memilih perusahaan dengan bonus selamat datang terbesar. Saya hadir dengan gagasan ini di bulan Mei 2014 untuk mengumpulkan Daftar 100 situs blog terkait Forex terbaik. Saya melihat bahwa ini tidak ada dan mulai mengerjakannya. Sekarang kita memiliki daftar 100 blog dalam industri Forex yang unik. Agak aneh kalau beberapa minggu sebelumnya MahiFX juga membuat daftar serupa yang cukup keren. Jadi, inilah yang saya lakukan. Saya Googled untuk situs lain yang memiliki daftar blog Forex dan semuanya sudah tua, tidak lengkap, dengan banyak tautan mati, dll. Saat menjadi jelas bahwa daftar ini tidak begitu memuaskan, saya menambahkan ke daftar semua URL yang tercantum di bawah Klasifikasi Alexa Forex Tentunya tidak semua itu adalah situs blog jadi saya secara manual mengunjungi ratusan situs dan hanya memilih yang relevan dengan daftar ini. Tapi saya masih belum puas dengan hasilnya, jadi saya masuk ke daftar top 1 juta Alexa dan mengisolasi semua URL yang berisi string forex. Saya menambahkan 100 yang pertama ke dalam daftar. Ini membuat daftar hampir 600 URL. Kemudian saya mengurutkannya dengan Alexa rank (sorting date 8 Juli 2014) dan secara manual mengunjungi semuanya untuk memilih hanya 100 situs terbaik. Apa yang membuat daftar blog TOP 100 Forex saya unik Apa yang membuat daftar blog TOP 100 Forex saya menjadi unik adalah saya memilih semua situs ini dan salah satu hal yang saya cari secara khusus adalah jika blog benar-benar memiliki tulisan pada tahun 2014. Daftar TOP 100 blog Forex ini hanya akan menemukan orang-orang yang telah aktif di tahun 2014, setidaknya setidaknya sebelum MayJune 2014 ketika saya melakukan penelitian. Saya harap Anda menemukan ini berguna. Lihatlah daftar TOP 100 Forex Blogs di bawah ini, dan kemudian beri tahu apa pendapat Anda tentang mereka di komentar di bawah ini. 1. Bloomberg Bloomberg menyampaikan berita global terkini tidak hanya mengenai bisnis dan keuangan, tetapi juga mengenai hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan pemerintah, profil perusahaan, tren industri, teknologi, ekonomi global dan lebih banyak lagi untuk membantu pembacanya membuat keputusan yang bijaksana dan lebih baik. . Analisis, data dan berita yang disampaikannya membantu pembaca memperbaiki situasi keuangan mereka, meningkatkan efisiensi, menemukan solusi untuk mengurangi biaya dan memperkuat pertumbuhan perusahaan dan investasi mereka. 2. Berinvestasi Sebuah portal keuangan di seluruh dunia, Investing menyediakan alat keuangan, data teknis, analisis berita, grafik, penawaran saham streaming dan grafik di pasar keuangan di seluruh dunia. Ini mencakup banyak kendaraan keuangan yang berbeda seperti opsi, futures, suku bunga, mata uang, komoditas, obligasi dan saham. Ini menyediakan grafik teknis real-time dan penawaran real time untuk obligasi, opsi, futures, ETFs, komoditas, saham, indeks, dan pasangan mata uang dari seluruh dunia. Pembaca dapat memantau dan membuat analisis yang baik terhadap pasar berdasarkan metodologi individual mereka melalui penggunaan berbagai grafik interaktif yang disertai dengan alat bantu gambar dan analisis teknis. Alexa Rank: 1,173 3. Zerohedge Agregator konten dan situs berita, Zero Hedge berisi blog dan laporan mengenai sektor keuangan, ekonomi dan Wall Street. Jika Anda mencari situs yang menginformasikan dan membuat Anda tertawa, inilah situs yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk Anda berdua. Meskipun seringkali mengambil pandangan bearish di pasar dan ekonomi, ia memiliki banyak hal untuk dikatakan mengenai hutang nasional, dolar, inflasi, hedge fund dan banyak lagi yang tidak diketahui oleh semua orang. Sangat mendidik, Zero Hedge adalah situs dari mana pedagang dan investor akan mendapatkan wawasan melalui komentarnya. Alexa Rank: 1,427 4. Etoro Dianggap sebagai jaringan investasi amp trading sosial terbesar di seluruh dunia, eToro memungkinkan investor dan trader mengikuti aktivitas perdagangan keuangan yang dimiliki investor dan pedagang lain dan juga menyalin perdagangan semacam itu. Baik investor profesional maupun amatir dan pedagang dapat berpartisipasi dalam jaringan investasi ini. Pengguna tidak hanya diperbolehkan mengikuti aktivitas perdagangan pengguna lain namun mereka juga bisa saling belajar melalui sharing pengalaman trading pribadi. EToro berfokus pada perdagangan bitcoin dalam bentuk perdagangan saham dan saham. Pedagang yang bisa bekerja dengan baik dengan orang lain dan trader baru yang membutuhkan bimbingan lebih banyak bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari trading forex eToro. Alexa Rank: 1,791 5. LearnToTradeTheMarket Ini adalah blog oleh Nial Fuller, salah satu mentor perdagangan dunia yang paling banyak dicari. Sebagai trader profesional, penulis dan mentor, Nial Fuller berbagi keahliannya dalam trading forex dengan memberikan analisis perdagangan, memberikan komentar pasar dan lebih banyak lagi dari hari ke hari. Pembaca blog ini terutama akan memperoleh informasi dan wawasan tentang trading forex berdasarkan strategi perdagangan proprietary Fullers yang telah ia rumuskan dalam dua belas tahun pengalamannya dalam trading. Pedagang yang beruntung dapat memanfaatkan situs ini dengan menghasilkan uang dan pada saat yang sama belajar tentang perdagangan tindakan harga yang ditulis oleh Nial Fuller sendiri. Alexa Rank: 2,485 6. DailyFx DailyFX memberikan berita dan informasi yang sangat berguna mengenai analisa pasar forex dan perdagangan mata uang. Sebagai fokus utamanya adalah pada valuta asing, ia menawarkan informasi rinci tentang perubahan sebelumnya dan hari-hari yang berkaitan dengan pasar mata uang. Pembaca akan belajar tentang analisis teknis mengenai pasangan mata uang mendapatkan wawasan dari rekomendasi perdagangan mengetahui bagaimana faktor teknis, ekonomi dan politik mempengaruhi pasar keuangan dan membiasakan diri dengan konsep forex, istilah dan teknik yang biasa diterapkan di pasar forex melalui situs ini. Alexa Rank: 3,418 7. FXStreet Ketika datang untuk menyediakan informasi dan berita forex yang berkualitas, FXStreet adalah salah satu portal perdagangan mata uang terkemuka. Melalui situs ini pembaca akan menerima banyak informasi mengenai berbagai bidang yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan mata uang seperti nilai tukar real-time, analisa teknikal, analisis pasar, dan grafik mata uang. Ini juga menyediakan buletin perdagangan dan webinar pakar ahli pasar mata uang yang terkenal, menciptakan pertumbuhan profesional bagi kolaboratornya seperti bank, pialang, analis, dan pendidik serta para penontonnya di semua tingkatan. Melalui update pasar terbaru dan review broker, trader forex pasti akan belajar lebih banyak untuk meningkatkan kemampuan trading mereka. Alexa Rank: 4,844 8. Babypips Sumber pendidikan yang komprehensif tentang trading forex, BabyPips sangat dianjurkan untuk trader baru karena memberikan banyak informasi tentang ABC forex trading dengan menggunakan istilah sederhana yang dapat dimengerti semua orang. Jika Anda mencari cara menarik untuk belajar forex trading, BabyPips adalah situs untuk Anda karena memberikan konten yang menyenangkan dan informatif tidak hanya untuk pemula, tetapi juga bagi para pedagang di semua tingkat. Hal ini dikenal untuk memperluas pandangan pedagang pasar. Ini terutama mengajarkan pemula dasar-dasar dan teknik serta metode dan gaya trading forex yang berbeda yang dapat mereka ciptakan sendiri juga. Alexa Rank: 7,100 9. ForexPeaceArmy ForexPeaceArmy adalah salah satu situs yang paling terhubung ke kami karena semua sumber berharga yang mereka tawarkan kepada para pedagang. Jika Anda belum pernah mendengar tentang FPA maka Anda pasti tidak berada di sekitar pasar forex untuk waktu yang lama. Mereka menawarkan ulasan pada proyek forex, layanan sinyal, robot dan alat lainnya untuk para pedagang. Anda juga dapat menemukan forum yang bagus untuk diskusi dan juga perdagangan terkini dan pembuatan perdagangan. Ini adalah salah satu situs pertama yang saya dan tim saya kunjungi saat kami meneliti produk atau alat baru untuk dibeli. Setiap waktu yang dihabiskan di FPA menghabiskan waktu dengan baik. Alexa Rank: 9,005 10. Tradingeconomics Trading Economics memiliki banyak informasi untuk ditawarkan kepada penggunanya karena memberi mereka informasi yang tepat yang mencakup 232 negara dari seluruh dunia. Pengguna dapat secara praktis melihat, membandingkan dan mendownload data dari 232 negara. Ini termasuk data historis untuk lebih dari 300.000 indikator ekonomi, indeks pasar saham, nilai tukar, harga komoditas, imbal hasil obligasi pemerintah dan banyak lagi. Datanya diambil dari sumber resmi dan bukan dari penyedia data ketiga. Ketika Anda mengunjungi situs Trading Economics, Anda dapat mempercayai fakta yang Anda lihat karena situs tersebut secara teratur memeriksa fakta mereka untuk menghindari ketidakkonsistenan. Alexa Rank: 11,644 11. Forexschoolonline Seorang trader Futures dan Forex profesional dan ahli dalam aksi harga, Johnathan Fox menciptakan Forex School Online dengan tujuan untuk mengenalkan trader pada aksi harga di semua level yang diketahui membantu mereka dalam trading mereka setiap saat. Dalam hidup mereka Forex School Online mengajarkan kursus tindakan harga progresif pemula yang diajarkan dalam kursus tingkat pemula, sementara para pedagang tingkat lanjut diajarkan kursus tingkat lanjutan. Ini menyediakan tutorial video, webinar, pembuatan perdagangan, kursus dan banyak lagi. Di situs ini, pengguna dapat mempelajari kursus tindakan harga yang mendalam dan langsung yang dilengkapi dengan video yang relevan. Mereka juga bisa belajar tentang pengelolaan uang. Alexa Rank: 12,363 12. FXEmpire Situs berita dan media, FXEmpire memberikan informasi keuangan yang andal kepada investor perorangan dan pedagang aktif. Ini berisi berita yang meliput komoditas, mata uang, informasi bank sentral dan acara ekonomi serta menyiapkan analisis teknis dan fundamental mengenai mata uang utama, indeks dan komoditas. Ini menawarkan ulasan ahli pasar dan ulasan forex serta memberi mereka grafik global, kutipan dan berita bisnis yang terkait dengan pasar utama. Ini menyediakan ribuan instrumen keuangan yang mencakup ETF, obligasi, komoditas, indeks dan saham. Situs ini juga dikenal untuk memberikan informasi dan analisa bursa saham yang meliputi NASDAQ, NYSE, OMX Helsinki dan lainnya. Alexa Rank: 15,366 13. Blog. hotforex Mengumpulkan selusin penghargaan industri, HotForex adalah broker komoditas dan broker yang memiliki lisensi penuh dan teratur. Situs investasi keuangan ini menyediakan berbagai alat perdagangan, perangkat lunak dan akun perdagangan untuk membantu nasabah institusi, fund manager dan individu dalam aktivitas perdagangan dan komoditas mereka. Ini menyediakan laporan analisis teknis khusus. Laporan ini mencakup banyak kelas aset dari komoditas ke indeks. Selain itu, pedagang jangka panjang, menengah dan jangka pendek bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari banyak laporan yang didasarkan pada berbagai indikator teknis. Alexa Rank: 18,490 14. Earnforex Sumber forex online yang sangat populer, Earn Forex memiliki banyak sumber belajar, blog informatif dan ulasan broker FX. Pedagang tingkat lanjut dan pemula bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari situs ini karena mereka mempelajari berbagai alat perdagangan yang ditawarkannya, mulai dari pengelolaan uang sampai analisis teknis dan banyak lagi. Ini menyediakan ebooks yang mencakup berbagai topik dalam memulai, strategi forex, psikologi perdagangan dan banyak lagi. Posting blog dan artikel itu terkait dengan topik forex yang mencakup pandangan pasangan mata uang dan analisis pasar tertentu. Jika Anda ingin ikhtisar berbagai broker perdagangan mata uang, Earn Forex menyediakan ulasan dan informasi lebih lanjut tentang masing-masing broker sehingga Anda dapat membuat pilihan terbaik. Alexa Rank: 19,899 15. Blog. fxopen Dealer forex yang populer, FXOpen dipercaya oleh banyak trader di seluruh dunia. Hal ini dikenal dengan platform perdagangan mutakhirnya. Melalui platform MT4 ECN, pedagang ritel dapat memiliki akses ke pasar valas antarbank. Platform MetaTrader 4 terdepan, versi mobile atau versi desktop, telah disukai oleh banyak pengguna karena mudah dan mudah digunakan. Anda dapat membiarkan seorang profesional mengelola dana Anda melalui sistem PAMM yang paling transparan, aman dan nyaman atau juga disebut sebagai sistem Modul Manajemen Alokasi Persentase. Selain platform ini, FXOpen juga menyediakan berita terbaru, analisis teknis dan kalender untuk membantu trader dalam mengejar peningkatan aktivitas perdagangan mereka. Alexa Rank: 21,139 16. ForexMagnates Sebuah perusahaan riset perdagangan, Forex Magnates mengkhususkan diri dalam menyampaikan penelitian dan berita forex. Ini adalah situs favorit sebagian besar pelaku pasar FX ritel dan pemimpin yang menunggu berita terbaru dan analisis menyeluruh tentang peristiwa terbaru. Ini menerbitkan laporan FX ritel yang mencakup volume perdagangan terkini, tren pasar dan lebih banyak lagi setiap tiga bulan. Perusahaan investasi, bank, broker forex dan mereka yang ingin menerima laporan akurat industri forex ritel menggunakan laporan triwulanan ini. Ini juga menyelenggarakan konferensi industri FX. Alexa Rank: 22,831 17. Blog. iFOREX Dikembangkan oleh trader forex dan bankir, iForex telah berkembang menjadi salah satu perusahaan yang paling dihormati dan terbesar di industri perdagangan. Ini menyediakan panduan pendidikan yang mudah dibaca untuk melakukan trading CFD atau Forex untuk semua trader di semua tingkatan. Selain panduan, para pedagang juga bisa belajar dari tutorial interaktif tingkat lanjut dan dasar yang disediakannya. Pedagang dapat memiliki akses mudah terhadap analisis ekonomi dan laporan pasar hariannya, termasuk kalender acara ekonomi penting. Pedagang dapat memilih lebih dari delapan puluh pasangan mata uang, komoditas dan indeks melalui platform mobile trading, sementara mereka dapat memilih lebih dari tiga puluh mata uang tradabel melalui platform berbasis web. Melalui platform FXnet-nya, trader profesional dapat memanfaatkan grafik terintegrasi yang canggih. Alexa Rank: 24,087 18. Actionforex Action Forex adalah situs pendidikan yang menyediakan informasi tentang pasar forex dan forex trading. Situs ini menyediakan berbagai informasi yang mencakup analisis perdagangan, berita harian dan wawasan pasar. Ini adalah situs yang bagus bagi pedagang baru dan lanjutan di mana mereka dapat belajar banyak tentang investasi, perdagangan, pengelolaan uang dan analisis teknis melalui tutorial, pelajaran, video, artikel, ebooks dan buku-bukunya. Action Forex menyediakan penelitian dan posting berharga mengenai mata uang internasional dan topik terkait lainnya. Ini juga menyediakan kurs dan grafik langsung. Alexa Rank: 24,406 19. Roboforex Broker FX internasional, RoboForex menawarkan sejumlah layanan perdagangan FX yang mencakup perdagangan ECN profesional dan akun sen ke bisnis dan individu. Ini menawarkan berbagai platform perdagangan dan lebih dari dua ratus instrumen perdagangan untuk kenyamanan semua jenis trader forex. Baik trader ahli maupun pemula bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari saran, berita dan informasi yang diberikannya. Ini tidak hanya menyediakan live forex dan berita perusahaan kepada trader pemula namun juga menawarkan analisis teknis mengenai pasangan mata uang pilihan mereka. Alexa Rank: 26,844 20. Forexlive Jika Anda mencari analisis dan berita forex dengan kualitas yang real-time, Forex Live akan memberi tahu Anda informasi terkini forex dengan sedikit kesenangan, perspektif dan kepribadian bagi para pedagang di semua tingkat setiap hari. . Pembaca dapat mempelajari beberapa gagasan baru yang berkaitan dengan perdagangan pasangan mata uang dengan membaca update blog, komentar dan opini hariannya. Komentar mendalam, analisis ahli mengenai pasar FX dan bank sentral, dan informasi dan fakta penting yang disampaikan oleh reporter perdagangan FX dan pemikir dapat membantu pedagang membuat keputusan yang lebih baik. Alexa Rank: 28,680 21. ForexCrunch Situs yang dibuat untuk semua orang - mulai dari pedagang pemula hingga pakar ekonomi yang cerdas, Forex Crunch mencakup semua hal tentang pasar forex, yang mencakup dasar-dasar pasar FX, tutorial, analisis teknis, analisis FX mingguan dan harian, FX Posting perangkat lunak, opini, berita, wawasan mengenai industri FX dan topik apa pun yang terkait dengan forex. Dengan tujuan membantu orang melakukan perdagangan FX secara bertanggung jawab, Forex Crunch memberikan informasi dengan transparansi dan sedikit humor. Selain itu, editorialnya agak murni perdagangan fx dan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan komentar yang seimbang. Alexa Rank: 30,549 22. DailyForex DailyForex adalah salah satu situs yang bisa memberi para pedagang semua informasi penting yang mereka butuhkan untuk sukses di forex trading. Ini pada dasarnya memberikan tinjauan menyeluruh tentang produk forex, broker forex, kursus forex offline dan online dan penyedia sinyal. Situs ini bagus baik bagi trader forex berpengalaman maupun baru yang mencari alat yang jelas dan mudah digunakan untuk membantu mereka mengambil keputusan yang bijak dalam memilih layanan forex yang tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. DailyForex mengkhususkan diri pada pendidikan forex, artikel, analisa teknikal, berita, perdagangan online, ulasan perdagangan dan review broker. Ini mengevaluasi banyak karakteristik dalam tinjauannya seperti proses penarikan, metode pembayaran, platform pendukung, dukungan pelanggan dan proses registrasi. Alexa Rank: 37,389 23. Forexrazor Jaringan perdagangan sosial, Razor Forex diciptakan oleh para pedagang untuk menguntungkan pedagang lain. Berbagi aktivitas perdagangan sendiri dengan pedagang trader lain di seluruh dunia dimungkinkan melalui situs ini. Jika Anda ingin perhitungan penarikan yang akurat dan terperinci, Razor Forex dapat menyediakannya. Ideal untuk trader pemula dan pemula, Razor Forex memungkinkan trader untuk memperdagangkan komoditas, indeks atau forex online karena aktivitas mereka secara otomatis diposting di profil Razor Forex mereka sendiri. Situs ini juga menyediakan kontes, diskusi, ulasan, berita, pelajaran, kalkulator dan alat real-time sehingga Anda dapat memiliki keuntungan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dalam merumuskan dan berbagi strategi perdagangan yang lebih efektif. Alexa Rank: 37,429 24. CashbackForex Ketika datang ke fx cash rebate, CashBackForex memberikan layanan yang andal dan menawarkan alat trading paling canggih. Penyedia rabat utama, situs web ini adalah salah satu IB terbesar (Introducing Brokers) online, merujuk banyak pedagang ke pialang mitra yang dihormati dan terkenal. Yang bagus dari situs ini adalah membagikan sebagian besar komisi dari broker Anda pada setiap perdagangan yang Anda tempatkan. Menawarkan sejumlah besar pilihan broker, CashBackForex menyediakan pembayaran rebate tunai tepat waktu dan akurat terlepas dari apakah Anda telah memenangkan atau kehilangan perdagangan. Alexa Rank: 40,316 25. Forex4noobs Forex4noobs sangat bagus untuk trader yang ingin belajar bagaimana trading forex menggunakan price action. Situs ini membantu trader memanfaatkan aksi harga sehingga mereka bisa menghasilkan keuntungan dalam trading forex, keluar dan masuk trading dengan timing yang tepat dan benar memprediksi kelanjutan harga dan pembalikan harga. Ini menyediakan forum, pendidikan, alat dan video yang bagus yang mencakup video perdagangan real-time. Ini juga menyediakan kursus perdagangan yang mudah dipahami dan kata-kata yang digunakan didefinisikan dengan jelas, sehingga memudahkan trader pemula untuk memahami setiap kata yang digunakan. Artikel di situs ini berisi banyak tip dan ide bagus yang terkait dengan forex trading. Alexa Rank: 43,793 26. IFCMarkets Pialang internasional online utama, IFC Markets menawarkan dua platform yang sangat bagus, MetaTrader 4 dan NetTradeX. Situs ini sangat bagus bagi mereka yang berdagang tidak hanya di forex trading tapi juga di komoditi CFD, saham, indeks dan futures. Pedagang pemula bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari opsi akun demo yang ditawarkannya. Jika Anda mencari perusahaan yang dapat menawarkan dukungan pada setiap masalah perdagangan, umpan berita, ikhtisar pasar dan analisis fundamental dan reguler, IFC Markets memberikan bantuan profesional kepada semua klien internasionalnya. Apa lagi itu menyediakan banyak instrumen perdagangan yang berbeda seperti logam mulia, pasangan mata uang dan banyak lagi. Alexa Rank: 48,026 27. ofx An online Australian foreign exchange company, OFX offers money transfer services not only to individual customers such as expatriates and migrants but also to business customers. It offers services to ING Direct, MoneyGram, Macquarie International Money Transfers and Travelex as well. Its services are provided across six continents. This is great for customers who often reload since this company does not require a reload fee. Its forex tools include currency converter covering more than 50 countries, seasonal patterns, charts, spot exchange rates and more. Whats interesting about this site is that it provides daily currency analysis, a monthly technical and fundamental outlook pertaining to the major currency pairs and the latest forex news. Whats more it provides currency news recap on a weekly basis as well as an outlook for the coming week. Alexa Rank: 48,337 28. WinnersEdgeTrading Winners Edge Trading is among the major Forex blogs. A Forex blogger and trader, Casey Stubbs is the founder of Winners Edge Trading and a widely accepted market expert who delivers excellent content that could help all traders maximize their trading profit potential. With interesting, updated, relevant and fresh content, this blog has something to offer all traders. Advanced traders can benefit from trade calls and advanced articles, while new traders can learn the basics of trading. Alexa Rank: 49,192 29. DayTradingForexLive Day Trading Forex Live was founded by the two traders, Sterling and Chad, with the aim of informing traders about the forex market and its internal workings. Through this site, you will able to learn some strategies and gain specific knowledge that will serve as your ideal foundation in forex trading and help you how to trade well. The live trading sessions, coaching, feedback and tools they provide will help you maximize your trading potential and eventually succeed at trading. Through this site you can also get information from its forex courses, forex videos, forex articles and daily commentaries. Alexa Rank: 55,246 30. ForexMinute A major financial news website, ForexMinute provides the most essential tools for investors to help them become one of the top class traders. Global investors can benefit most from the wide range of resources this site provides, from the most recent forex news, forex articles, technical and fundamental analysis, broker reviews to other major resources. In addition, it has trading rooms or forums in which the visitors can join to discuss the current issues influencing todays financial markets. This is also a great website for those who are interested in bitcoin trading as it provides bitcoin news, moving averages, charts, live feeds and more to help bitcoin traders understand the market trends effectively and make better decisions. Alexa Rank: 62,364 31. 2ndskiesforex 2ndSkiesForex was founded by Chris Capre who is a philanthropist, Buddhist and trader. He is the typical trader who has used price action since the day he started trading that has served him well. From this site, you can learn about trading not only the FX markets but also commodities, futures and stocks. This site provides essential tools for learning that can help you get better and better at trading. It has weekly market commentary and daily setups and signals as well as free videos and articles. This is great for those who want to learn fx trading with the use of ichimoku and price action trading systems. Alexa Rank: 67,549 32. Blog. hymarkets An expert at online trading and global investment, HY Markets has developed trading platforms that are available for new and advanced traders and which offer 21 tradable currency pairs. The downloadable HY Trader platform that works in the same way as the MetaTrader 4 includes charting tools and technical analyses, while the web-based Webtrader platform includes a relatively straightforward interface and basic analytical and charting tools suitable for newbie traders. The features it offers are designed in such a way that will bring convenience to all traders before or as they execute their trades. HY Markets is great for those who trade on stocks, indices, FX, silver, gold, US oil, cotton or natural gas. Alexa Rank: 70,780 33. Forexabode Another authority in providing forex trading education and information, ForexAbode provides free access to its website. This site has more to offer traders when it comes to providing fx trading education and information since it does not only base its analysis on fundamental and technical factors alone but also on psychological factors. It considers price action to be essential in fx trading as well. Working similar to a community, ForexAbode makes it possible for its members to connect with each other, discuss strategies, ask queries and find solutions. Alexa Rank: 72,514 34. FXPrimus This is a popular forex broker that will offer both demo and live trading accounts. In addition to the trading accounts, they also offer trader education. Visit fxprimuseducation for daily market commentary, global business news, and other market briefs that can help you as a Forex trader. You can start a live trading account with as little as 100. As with any broker, make sure to read reviews on line before deciding to go with them and depositing any money. Alexa Rank: 74,134 35. mytradinghub MyTradingHub is a trading education site and blog that shares experience and Forex lessons with traders with respect to classic trading techniques like support and resistance, swing points, etc. The blog posts are good and the site also focuses on more than just Forex for those who are interested also in stocks and options. Alexa Rank: 78,602 36. Wanderingtrader If you love traveling or if you are a trader who is looking for a better way to trade, you will definitely love Wandering Trader. Wandering Trader is owned by Marcello Arambide, a stock market day trader and someone who has widely traveled around 80 countries around the world. As its name implies, this site has a lot to offer globe trotters since it provides travel deals, information on various destinations, inspiration and even gives out travel contacts to make the most of ones travel or vacation for free. Aside from this, The Day Trading Academy (DTA) program is easy to comprehend and provides clear rules, making a trader more confident in his trading activities. Alexa Rank: 83,678 37. Forexreviews. info Forex Reviews is one site that can help a trader gain more profits from trading less, helping him in mastering forex trading. This site is focused on teaching traders about Forex by providing quality FX reviews, signals and tips that can be very useful to them. As a price action coach and trader as well as blogger and writer, Tim Weller makes Forex Reviews a huge success for his teachings about price action trading. You can learn how to trade profitably, some great tips, and watch videos for more tips and strategies from this site. Alexa Rank: 96,374 38. forextradersdaily ForexTradersDaily is an interesting hybrid news and commentary type site that some traders will find very interesting. A big part of the focus of this site8217s commentary is on trading the news, which for forex news breakout and trend traders is great news. You can learn from the trade analysis of previous news events and get ready for future news events through this site. Very helpful for news traders. Alexa Rank: 104,752 39. Forexnews Forex News provides a lot of information for traders to help them excel in trading. The FX news and analysis, videos, research and charts it provides help traders in maximizing their trading potential. Traders are able to gain valuable insight on trading from the trade ideas that they can obtain from this site. Featuring live currency rates and different tools, Forex News is also great for those who are interested in bitcoin trading as it provides bitcoin charts, bitcoin analysis, bitcoin calculator, bitcoin trading guide and more. Alexa Rank: 104,887 40. GCITrading A CFD and Foreign Exchange broker, GCI focuses on excellent trading conditions. It uses the reliable ActTrader and MetaTrader software. When you are trading with this broker, you can have access to direct interbank trading, low spreads, and easily trade with the use of your Mac, iPhone, web-browser, PC or any mobile device. This site is especially for those who want to trade CFDs, stock indices, gold, crude oil, commodities or currencies. Alexa Rank: 111,860 41. Paxforex An STP FX online broker, Pax Forex focuses more on the fun side of FX trading and not so much on the seriousness required in FX trading. It puts emphasis on its FX trading bonuses and contests. It provides some information pertaining to the trading conditions that can benefit professional traders. It offers various leverage options as well. This website is good for those who trade commodities, futures, silver, gold, stocks, CFD and Forex. It uses the respected and popular MetaTrader4 platform. It offers competitive trading accounts the VIP FX Account for traders with 10,000 USD deposit or more, the Standard FX Account for professional and experienced traders with 9,999-300 USD deposit and the Mini FX Account for newbie traders with a minimum deposit of 10. Alexa Rank: 120,413 42. ForexStreet Based on a social network platform called Ning, ForexStreet is great for forex traders as it offers useful tools for them. Many love its blog section as they can comment, publish blog posts and see the blog posts of others. It has an all-site, open chat feature as well as the forum feature, making it possible for all its clients to contact other people. Alexa Rank: 128,338 43. FXService This site provides knowledge and powerful tools to its clients in order for them to be able make wise trading decisions. It also provides its clients with quality support, prompt customer service, excellent trading terms and relevant education. Learn forex as you read the forex articles it provides to gain more knowledge about trading. It also offers technical and fundamental analysis. This site is great for those who trade fossil fuels, stocks, CFDs and precious metals. Alexa Rank: 135,937 44. Realtimeforex Providing fast trading, Real Time Forex is highly recommended for its great platform. It provides tight security as it authorizes logins. It also provides technical analysis and fundamental analysis, making you decide wisely on your next move. If you want to get the latest forex news and forex forecasts, you will learn a lot of information from this site. It also provides the daily news on forex, keeping all its visitors updated daily. Alexa Rank: 142,198 45. Marketpulse Established by securities strategists and analysts, MarketPulse posts insightful information daily covering the largest financial markets in the world. This site covers commodities, forex, and worldwide index analysis, research and news. It offers informative and timely research pertaining to the technical analysis, important macroeconomic trends, and global events that influence various asset investors and classes. It provides a holistic perspective on global, regional and national factors, supporting traders in their pursuit of obtaining relevant market data. Alexa Rank: 144,575 46. Tradingheroes Founded by Hugh Kimura, Trading Heroes is about creating a sufficient income through fx trading. With a mission to find out the most excellent trading strategies, software, mentors and education and to share what he has learned, Trading Heroes came to be. In his Expedition Field Kit, Hugh reveals what he has learned, shows the methods for developing and testing trading strategies or provides updates on his recent discoveries that can be quite beneficial to traders. Alexa Rank: 146,884 47. Piphut Piphut is famous for its forum and free EURUSD comments or signals. It offers courses on CandlePro and Forex basics. It offers free fx signals, forex articles, trader forums, technical, analysis and resources that are beneficial to a trader. The analysis it provides is primarily good for newbie traders as it gives confidence and hope to the newbie traders. Clients can benefit from the good trade ideas the site offers. Alexa Rank: 154,207 48. Electrofx Perfect for newbies and expert traders, ElectroFX provides FX trading basics to beginners. As soon as clients understand the FX trading basics, this site teaches some strategies on FX trading. After understanding the FX basics and strategies, the clients after becoming a member can make use of the video format. Clients can also receive free software and gain access to the sites private forum. Alexa Rank: 177,374 49. FXCC A regulated FX broker, FXCC provides its clients with a vast selection of trading services and technologies. Through its STPECN business model its clients can benefit from the transparent real-time pricing. Offering a unique FX trading environment to all its clients, FXCC provides STP liquidity, trading and execution functionality. Through its non-dealing desk model client orders are executed instantaneously and automatically. Its business model provides advanced execution, full transparency, complete anonymity, competitive and direct market spreads and prices. It offers excellent trading platforms to its clients so that they can enjoy the most outstanding service. Alexa Rank: 177,502 50. Goforex GoForex can serve as your Forex guide as it helps every trader how to learn, invest and trade in the FX market. A one-stop shop for FX trading, GoForex provides a lot of tools, resources and information for all investors and forex traders of all levels. Whats great about GoForex is that you can partner with it when you want to promote a forex service or product as it can help your business obtain the leads and exposure it needs. Alexa Rank: 182,596 51. SMBTraining SMBTraining provides trader training and education to semi-experienced and new traders alike. It offers its services and products both in person and electronical (online through smbtraining). It also gives seminars for educational purposes. It does not only teach trading skills to traders but also provides intensive training programs. It provides training programs that solely depend on the fundamental bases of elite performance. Foundational knowledge, critical feedback and purposeful practice are associated with the so-called elite performance. Alexa Rank: 190,137 52. Straightforex StraightForex is a training website. There are articles, a free eBook and a free training course. There8217s also useful daily market commentary on select currency pairs. The author, Raul Lopez, talks about a few different things with his blog posts, but namely the topics focus on market commentary, current trending pairs, and strategies to successfully trade the Forex market. There are useful insights that can be gleaned from the information here on this website. Going through the training course can also help you become a better Forex trader. The style of trading that Lopez uses is swing trading. If you want to you could also upgrade and pay for his coaching service. Alexa Rank: 197,967 53. Currensee Currensee is another of the large social trading and copying networks. Here you can start an account, fund it with money through one of the participating brokers, and then sign up to work with a signal provider. The signal provider will place trades on your behalf buy carrying out their regular trading. They earn money from providing the trades and so the more followers they have the more money they can earn. This allows traders to grow their money automatically by following the signals a successful providers. Make sure your research well before agreeing to follow any specific provider. And remember that just because a signal provider has made money in the past it does not mean that they will continue to make money into the future. Alexa Rank: 212,767 54. EA-Coder EA-Coder is a site devoted to helping forex traders of all levels. The owner, Rimantas Petrauskas, has created a successful trading robot as well as a handful of other trading tools that thousands of Forex traders use on a regular basis. He has created one of the best trade copier software that exists online for transferring trades between multiple MetaTrader4 trading platforms. He has helped many people become signal providers by providing the technology that helps them automatically share their trades with as many people as they have as customers but through giving traders more control so they do not need to participate in one of the large social trading networks (which often carry many restrictive rules). This site also provides Forex education on a number of diverse topics. Alexa Rank: 217,029 55. Forexsignals. me This website seems to be paired with the company ITM financial which doesn8217t have a very good reputation over on ForexPeaceArmy. From a friend8217s personal experience I have also heard some negative things about their servicesite ForexSocialSignals. This site here, ForexSignals. me, seems to be simply offering some free 8216amazing8217 indicators and then moving you over to their other website ForexSocialSignals where they offer courses and memberships starting at 997 and ranging to 4997. Make sure to read the reviews that you find online before investing such a large amount of money with a company like this. This website seems to be also owned by the same internet marketer of theinternettimemachine. The theory didn8217t seem to work for Forex trading signals. Alexa Rank: 226,229 56. Nobrainertrades No Brainer Trades is a blog about price action trading strategy for systematic and discretionary forex traders. It provides free instruction and education for advanced to beginner OTC as well as exchange market participants. It can determine price exhaustion and forecast price movements. When you follow this site, you will learn some technical market movements, behavioral trading and standard price action patterns that will be very useful in your trading activities. Alexa Rank: 228,365 57. Countingpips This website focuses more on news that can impact countries and their currency values than anything else. It is a good source of current news events and opinions about current news events that traders might be able to use to help them evaluate fundamental changes in currency values. The blog contains useful information about pivot points on certain currency pairs as well as speculation about future values of popular currency pairs. They also offer real-time currency value charts which might be the table for some who do not use a trading platform such as MetaTrader 4. Alexa Rank: 231,082 58. fxtechstrategy This website offers daily analysis on some different currency pairs, as well as a subscription for 59 to 249 a month for trade alerts and daily market commentary. They say that all of the alerts will come with buy and sell entries as well as take profit and stop loss levels. We would simply need to test out the signals in order to see if they work for you and are of any good value. There8217s not too much free information on the website, however there are some weekly technical commentaries available if you search to the site. Alexa Rank: 251,224 59. Forexfraud This website is a policing and fraud alert type website that is designed to help Forex traders avoid mistakes when it comes to working with unscrupulous merchants, brokers and others who would attempt to defraud forex traders. You can find reviews about a popular Forex Software as well as information about brokers that they recommend traders avoid. There are articles and also information for beginners who are new to the world of Forex. Alexa Rank: 294,954 60. Forextv This site has some very nice currency and news analysis. They gave you real time currency price feeds as well as detailed information on the major currency pairs. They also provide very detailed Forex education as well as current market commentary. There8217s a lot you can glean from their commentary about where price might be heading. They seem to favor the ichimoku indicator for a lot of the chart analysis. You can also find current news information on this website. There are also some videos that some traders might find useful for educational purposes. Alexa Rank: 299,755 61. 50pipsfx This website most and provides daily market commentaries. There is some information you can learn from each of these commentaries and they seem to be updated on a regular basis. There is a little bit of additional information elsewhere that you can learn as a Forex trader including some weekly webinars that are advertised, but otherwise it is a smaller site with less information than a lot of these other highly ranked websites. Alexa Rank: 320,391 62. proptradingfutures This site offers some current market commentary along with some helpful 8216trader psychology8217 type of training and advice. Traders can learn some important things from this trader that can possibly help their trading business and help take them to the next level. There is a newsletter available where traders can receive timely market commentary and analysis. Alexa Rank: 329,759 63. Onestepremoved On this site you can find some useful tools that will help you with your trading as well as some programming services in case you8217re in the market for building a Forex robot or would like to design some custom Forex indicators. While most programmers focus on the MetaTrader platform, the owner of this site instead focuses on the Ninja Trader platform and developing applications for it. This is very useful for those who use the Ninja Trader platform instead of the MetaTrader platform. Alexa Rank: 343,349 64. FXInstructor This website offers Forex trading education as well as daily and weekly forecast for popular currency pairs. They also offer a live trading room which you can join for free which is a great way to investigate the trading strategies they talk about and how effective the trading method is. They also offer Forex trading signals which can be demoed using a trial period. They offer resources as far as Forex tools as well as some information about a couple of Forex brokers. They also have a Forex forum so traders can communicate with one another and share ideas, setups, and strategies. Alexa Rank: 350,455 65. World. nsfx This website offers news, training information, and technical analysis on many different currency pairs. The daily analysis focus is on major turning points and support and resistance levels. There is an opportunity to trade with this websites platform as well as compete in some trading competitions. The web site also offers Forex News and many other tools that Forex traders might find helpful. Alexa Rank: 353,057 66. Tradinglounge. au Here8217s another website that offers Forex training. There are signal services offered as well as different trading strategies and daily market commentaries. They offer technical analysis and a three day trial as well. The site seems to be well developed and helpful for traders. They also offer educational webinars and other educations tools that might be helpful to you as a trader. The best way to investigate their offerings is to take the free three day trial available. They offer services for more than just Forex trading, but Forex seems to be the main focus. Alexa Rank: 381,330 67. Global-view This website includes many different forums for information about trading and global currency news. There is a learning center which can teach you some of the fundamentals about Forex trading. There is also information about different brokerage firms including reviews on some of the major ones. There are various tools available throughout the site and some traders may find this website useful for learning some of the nitty gritty details about the forex market in general. Alexa Rank: 386,348 68. Jcls-forex This website is put up by a gentleman named Jordan who publishes a lot of information for forex traders as well as offers trading signals for 100 a month. They work with a trade copier to provide these trades to their trade followers and have a successful track record so far. They also publish information relevant to active traders as well as robot traders alike. They offer a free live trading room as well where traders can gather and learn and trade together so that might be worth checking out at no upfront cost. Alexa Rank: 429,143 69. FreeForexSignal This website seems to specialize in current market commentaries and analysis of major currency pairs like the EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY, USDJPY, AUDUSD, USDCHF and Gold. These commentaries and analysis and forecasts seem to be updated daily which is useful for traders who are needing current information to place their trading positions. They offer a trading strategy guide on the site as well as a calendar of forex related news events. Alexa Rank: 436,033 70. Daytradeideas. co. uk This is a page devoted to Jason Sen, a professional trader who has been trading for many years. There are webinars available as well as daily market analysis for helping traders evaluate the markets. He discusses different commodities and forex pairs and is a technical trader that believe the price on the chart has already taken into account the fundamental analysis. They offer webinars amp technical analysis articles to help you understand how to trade financial markets. Alexa Rank: 495,528 71. The-lazy-trader This website seems mostly focused on long-term analysis of currency pairs and the values that move them. This website focuses also on options trading as well as Forex trading. There are a number of review articles and weekly analysis articles available on the website. There is a review of a Forex robot of sorts but it only shows very limited results which are not positive. On the options end they do show a track record of success stretching back a couple of years. Alexa Rank: 518,376 72. Vladimirribakov This is a website devoted to the educational insights of Vladimir Ribakov who shares daily market analysis and forecasts on major currency pairs. There is a training university offered as well as trading signals and mentoring as well for paid services. There are also some free reports and other downloads available on the site as well as a free email newsletter that some traders might find useful. The reviews on this site and trade instructor are extremely good over on ForexPeaceArmy which is somewhat rare of a thing to run into. Alexa Rank: 519,932 73. mxtglobal This is geared much more to current event news that can impact foreign currency prices. They do a very good job analyzing the more indirect factors that move currency values, such as the World Cup of football and how it impacted the volatility and trading volume in the markets. This is a great site to learn about the impact of global news on currency prices. Alexa Rank: 540,227 74. ForexAlchemy ForexAlchemy is a site that offers a lot of diverse and valuable information for forex traders. Traders can benefit from reading articles about psychology, motivation and other interesting stories. Traders can also read about daily market analysis on popular trading pairs. This is an interesting pwebsite because of its diversity. On one page you can read about a famous celebrity8217s home while on another page you can read about the major levels of the AUDUSD pair. Some good inspiration and motivation can be found amongst its pages. Alexa Rank: 549,079 75. Thegeekknows This website is another information portal which gives regular market forecasts and articles about the currency pairs and their current levels. There is a trading system offered called The Koala System which can be reviewed on the site. They also offer some reviews on some ZuluTrade providers. There is some information about current market analysis, but not that much compared with other sites here on this list. Alexa Rank: 564,246 76. Blog. vestatrader This website and its associated blog are almost completely devoted to forex world events and news as well as other happenings that might affect global trade and currency prices. The web site also features a community forum where traders can interact with other traders and share ideas. They also offer some trading signals via twitter which some traders might benefit from. Alexa Rank: 565,379 77. ZenTrader. ca Part of the value in this site and blog are the links to other sites that forex traders can visit and benefit from. Look to the blogroll for some valuable site resources. Otherwise there are some good posts with current market commentaries as well as discussion of chart patterns on both forex pairs and indexes. Alexa Rank: 589,261 78. ForexTradingBig This site has a large number of articles for forex trader education, included some articles on broker reviews. There are a number of articles and trainings for beginners in forex and there are some trading techniques discussed as well. The blog topics are updated on a pretty regular bases and some traders will probably very much enjoy reading the posts. Alexa Rank: 605,867 79. swissquote-fx A completely regulated Swiss online broker, MIG Bank or MIG Investments provides real-time access to bullion and foreign exchange markets. It provides free indicators and simple systems. Its multi-lingual platform is relatively easy to understand and use. Clients can setup demo accounts for free and then they will have a better idea of the platform and have the chance to experience real markets through its demo account. Its features include an easy withdrawal process and tight spreads. It provides market reports, educational tools and information that can help you trade confidently. Alexa Rank: 621,057 80. Ashraflaidi This website offers news and information for forex traders. There is current market commentary as well as detailed analysis on different stocks, forex and commodities. This is not a forex exclusive website but rather is more in tune with global news and events that could move currency prices. Premium, subscriber-only content is available as well. Alexa Rank: 663,814 81. MT4Copier For all those who would like to take their signals and transfer them to other traders or build a business around offering forex signals or manage other people8217s accounts by coping trades then this is the website for you. The owner of the site has built an extremely reliable and high-quality trade copier software for the MetaTrader 4 platform so that traders can copy trades from one account to another. The applications for this technology are practically limitless when it comes to transferring trades in less than a second, even across the globe between hundreds of traders. Alexa Rank: 705,824 82. ForexSuccessfulTraders This website focuses on training for forex traders in the form of webinars and what looks like a proprietary trading system. There is not too much information available on their website and reviews for this site are not available over on ForexPeaceArmy. The best way to investigate this service would be to attend one of the sales and overview webinars which they seem to have on a regular basis after opting in for more information. Alexa Rank: 718,950 83. Fideliscm This is another broker out there in the forex marketplace. They offer different trading tools and trading platforms, but like all brokers, you should do your research online very thoroughly before opening a live account. Remember also that live accounts do not work the same as demo accounts so make sure to start with a small amount of money first, when do you decide to go live. Alexa Rank: 738,815 84. SmartTradeFx This is a broker that offers both live and demo accounts. They promote a forex robot called Golden Eagle and claim that it can create returns of 15-30 monthly, which is a pretty tall order to do consistently without the potential for large drawdowns. They show that they offer stock and options trading as well. They appear also to use their own trading platforms and make trial accounts available for 35 days. It8217s interesting because most other brokers don8217t have time limits on actively traded demo accounts. Alexa Rank: 788,652 85. UFXMarkets A forex broker, UFX Markets makes its name in online currency trading. With this site, it is possible to exchange over 45 currency pairs, plus stocks and commodities. It gives accurate feeds on matters pertaining to the constant changes in currency rates, helping the traders maximize their investments. It provides the ParagonEx and MetaTrader trading platforms. Although it cannot cater to US traders, EFXMarkets has clients from across the globe. Whats more, this site provides market reviews, advanced charts, financial calendars, trading analysis and essential tools to help the traders maximize their trading experience. Alexa Rank: 790,049 86. BrainyForex BrainyForex is another product and course review site as well as spam watch site. They review just about everything and also offer boatloads of tools and resources for traders, especially new traders. They even have a feature that allows traders to submit robots for review by their team. Use this as a multipurpose resource and review site to help you navigate a sea of forex products. Alexa Rank: 996,282 87. TheTechnicals This site is devoted to can you guess Yep, technical analysis. This site is more than just about Forex. It also covers technical analysis on stocks and indexes as well as futures and commodities. They offer a form of trading signals which come out rather sporadically in the form of posts on their site. They have a learning section for education about technical analysis where they discuss indicators, chart patterns, as well as candlestick patterns and price action trading. There are videos available as well that discuss the same types of topics. Alexa Rank: 1,054,767 88. TheWaveTrading Here is another website devoted almost exclusively to market analysis. The posts are available every few days and the style of trading is with Elliott wave theory. If this is the kind of market analysis that you enjoy then this might be a good site for you to subscribe to updates from. You can subscribe to updates through twitter as well. Alexa Rank: 1,196,782 89. DonMillerEducation Here is another forex educational resource and portal with a number of different training tools and courses. The tuitions are a little expensive but some of the costs of the courses are donated to various charities. There are video trainings as well and also different interviews and articles that can help traders. Make sure to always do your homework before investing money into trading tools or courses. Alexa Rank: 1,662,530 90. Forexkong There are some very good lessons about the forex market in general found within the posts of this great little opinion website. There is a knowledge base of information that new traders may find very helpful and the insight into the fundamentals of the forex market are very detailed and seemingly accurate. The owner of the site and trader writes with a lot of personality which is refreshing among a number of stale 8216analysis by the numbers only8217 type blogs. If you enjoy reading about the forex market and what moves the currency values in general then you will enjoy this site. Alexa Rank: 1,679,488 91. TerraSeeds This site offers different forex educational tools and resources. This site specifically caters to those traders in Singapore and the surrounding countries by offering live seminars and courses designed to teach forex trading. They have a very active blog that covers a large number of topics including the trading strategies they use as well as analysis of certain setups and specific trades according to their trading systems. Alexa Rank: 1,893,814 92. TheLastBear This site is something of a review site. There are reviews about Forex brokers and interviews with successful traders. It is one of the few websites that does offer interviews with successful traders. They also offer technical analysis and chart analysis on a regular basis. They provide trade alerts in the form of soft recommendations in the different posts. There are rather clearly marked support and resistance zones in the trade analysis that they provide. Alexa Rank: 1,926,598 93. ForexAchievers This site offers a lot of technical analysis videos as well as trading and analysis using candlestick patterns as well as swing points and support and resistance levels. Traders will be able to learn a lot just from the currency pair analysis videos and daily technical analysis. The candlestick pattern training is probably going to be very useful for new traders. Alexa Rank: 2,030,793 94. BetterTrader. co. uk BetterTrader offers a large number of currency pair forecasts and price evaluations. Traders can learn from the chart pattern analysis as well as the write-ups about each currency pair. The updates to the site with the current analysis are rather regular and multiple pairs are covered each day include SampP 500 as well as Gold and other commodities and indexes. Alexa Rank: 2,417,540 95. Piptrain This website provides timely market commentary on factors relevant to currency prices as well as analysis on several major currency pairs. There is not much more here than just regular updates on the same with write-ups on the various pairs. You8217ll want to visit twitpicphotospiptrain for the pictures and charts relevant to the discussions on the main site. Alexa Rank: 2,581,303 96. MyInvestorsPlace This site has a lot of information about commodity trading but there is also a large amount of information for traders about systems and trader psychology and some other training that is very relevant to forex traders as well. The instructor, Andrew Abraham, teaches primarily trend following. Traders can learn a lot by simply reading back through the archives of posts from previous months. Alexa Rank: 2,690,110 97. SharesWatch. au This website is more of a general portal about different types of investments, especially those relevant to the Australian economy. The forex rates are published here in addition to information about current news events that can drive the Aussie currency value. There are a number of valuable links to investment resources, again, especially tailored for Australian citizens and investors. Alexa Rank: 2,710,944 98. Forexhound ForexHound is another technical analysis website offering in-depth analysis on a large number of currency pairsboth major pairs and the crosses. They use solid fundamentals like trendlines and support and resistance to map out the potential future moves of these pairs that they review on a daily basis. They also provide a large amount of education of topics not just on chart analysis. It is a good site for beginners and intermediate traders alike. It is nice how they report on many different currency pairs each day. Alexa Rank: 2,798,410 99. ewminteractive This website provides information and training on the Elliott Wave Theory. The Elliott wave is a strategy and a tool that is used by many, many Forex traders, as well as traders from other markets as well. It is a fundamentally sound principle that, when executed, can do extremely well for trading results. This website offers the education and resources the traders can use to learn and apply the Elliott wave theory. There are also a large number of posts and information related to currency prices on the site. Alexa Rank: 2,840,177 100. Wave-Power This site focuses mainly on Elliott wave analysis of major currency pairs. There are some posts and articles on trader psychology and success as well as an opportunity to receive trade alerts via email. There is not a ton of other information available on the site but traders who are interested in Elliott wave theory may likely find some value from reading the chart forecasts. Alexa Rank: 3,161,537 101. PrivateForexCoaching While not the clearest website to navigate, there are training materials that can be purchased. Most traders will find value in the market commentary and pair analysis posts that are available on the blog. Posts stretch back to 2012 so traders who like to revisit the past to learn good lessons for the future will find good value in these older posts, as well as the most current ones too. Alexa Rank: 4,639,549 102. Forexena This is a very basic site but one that might give you some good ideas with the trade setups and currency pair analysis they present once per week. You can subscribe to twitter updates from their site if you enjoy reading updates in such a way. Alexa Rank: 5,677,369 103. CurrencySecrets This is not the most frequently updated site but it does offer both training articles as well as training within the present market conditions. The unique advantage with this site is that the author is a MQL4 programmer as well so there is a very unique perspective on things. There are many articles of a more technical perspective which is rather a rare thing to find with most websites so the traders who enjoy the nitty-gritty of the forex market technical operations will likely enjoy this site. Alexa Rank: 7,121,350 104. ForexLearnTrading There is a trading course available on this site for 1250 and otherwise there is current market information in the form of many different posts. The analysis focuses mainly on price action in the charts and analyzes a good number charts to teach training lessons to traders. The site features a large number of videos for the market commentaries and many traders will enjoy this feature of the site. Alexa Rank: 8,449,538 105. Daily-forex-trader. blogspot This site offers a large number of current posts as chart and pair analysis that are very timely and offer suggestions for entry points and trade directions. A large number of currency pairs are discussed which will be of interest to some traders. The trading style ranges from swing trading to scalping. There is a focus also on price action trading, Fibonacci, and trend line analysis on intraday charts. Alexa Rank: 10,691,699 Wrapping It Up As you can see, this is a formidable list and one that will take you some time to explore and research for yourself. This is what I recommend for you as you have the time. There are some wonderfully valuable resources and golden nuggets contained in this list and chances are high that a few of them could help you become an even better trader than you are now. I8217m sure there are some more great Forex blogs out there that I8217ve missed. Do you have a favorite of yours that you could add to this list If so, please list it below. It doesn8217t matter if it8217s a blog or your favorite site or resource, just list it below to share it with others. Feel free to embed this TOP 100 Forex Blogs List to your website using the embed code below. First I am a father, a husband and then the author of the book How to Start Your Own Forex Signals Service. I am also a Forex trader, a programmer, an entrepreneur, and the founder of ea-coder Forex blog. I have created two of the most popular trade copiers and other trading tools for MT4 that are already used world wide by hundreds of currency traders. 78 Comments Hey, thanks for including my blog. I8217ve started trading for real recently, before I just wrote the blog so expect more from me this year and in future.. Subscribe For More MT4 Knowledge Enter your real name and best email address below. If you cannot see registration form it must be hidden by AdBlock and youll have to disable it first for this website. Subscribe to my newsletter and be the first to receive my new MT4 tutorials. P. S. I will also send you a free copy of my content-packed eBook (19 value) that will teach you how to identify Forex scams. Absolutely no spam 100 Secure. Most Popular Posts Rimantas Petrauskas is the author, a Forex trader, programmer, entrepreneur, father and a husband. He has been creating software for currency trading and signal delivery since 2009, and has created hundreds of trading robots for his customers. He strongly believes that with a Positive Mental Attitude we can achieve any goal. More About Rimantas Petrauskas Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. Tingkat leverage yang tinggi dapat bekerja melawan Anda dan juga untuk Anda. Sebelum memutuskan untuk berinvestasi dalam valuta asing Anda harus mempertimbangkan secara hati-hati tujuan investasi, tingkat pengalaman, dan selera risiko Anda. Kemungkinan ada bahwa Anda dapat mempertahankan kehilangan sebagian atau seluruh investasi awal Anda dan oleh karena itu Anda seharusnya tidak menginvestasikan uang yang tidak dapat Anda rugi. Anda harus menyadari semua risiko yang terkait dengan perdagangan valuta asing, dan mencari saran dari penasihat keuangan independen jika Anda ragu. Pembelian, penjualan atau saran mengenai mata uang hanya dapat dilakukan oleh BrokerDealer berlisensi. Baik kami, maupun afiliasi atau rekan kami yang terlibat dalam produksi dan pemeliharaan produk atau situs ini, adalah Penasihat BrokerDealer atau Penasihat Investasi terdaftar di suatu Negara atau yurisdiksi yang diatur secara federal. Semua pembeli produk yang dirujuk di situs ini dianjurkan untuk berkonsultasi dengan perwakilan pilihan mereka mengenai strategi perdagangan atau perdagangan tertentu. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Clearly understand this: Information contained in this product are not an invitation to trade any specific investments. Trading requires risking money in pursuit of future gain. Itu keputusanmu Jangan mengambil risiko uang yang tidak bisa Anda kehilangan. This document does not take into account your own individual financial and personal circumstances. It is intended for educational purposes only and NOT as individual investment advice. Jangan bertindak berdasarkan hal ini tanpa saran dari profesional investasi Anda, siapa yang akan memverifikasi apa yang sesuai untuk kebutuhan khusus Anda. Gagal mencari saran profesional yang disesuaikan secara terperinci sebelum bertindak dapat menyebabkan Anda bertindak bertentangan dengan kepentingan terbaik Anda sendiri, hal itu dapat menyebabkan kerugian modal. HASIL KINERJA HIPOTHETIK ATAU SIMULASI MEMILIKI BATASAN TERTENTU. UNLIKE AN ACTUAL PERFORMANCE RECORD, SIMULATED RESULTS DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL TRADING. ALSO, SINCE THE TRADES HAVE NOT BEEN EXECUTED, THE RESULTS MAY HAVE UNDER-OR-OVER COMPENSATED FOR THE IMPACT, IF ANY, OF CERTAIN MARKET FACTORS, SUCH AS LACK OF LIQUIDITY. 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